Key Information - policies

Document Title Date Download
Accessibility Policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
Admissions Procedure 25th Jun 2024 Download
Anti Bullying Policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
Attendance Policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
Behaviour Policy 2023 24 17th Apr 2024 Download
Careers Strategy 25th Jun 2024 Download
Charging and Remission 17th Apr 2024 Download
Child on Child HSB Policy Version 2023 1 17th Apr 2024 Download
Child protection policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
Communication Policy 03rd Jul 2024 Download
Complaints Policy and Procedure 31st May 2024 Download
Curriculum Assessment Overview 25th Jun 2024 Download
Equality objectives 17th Apr 2024 Download
GDPR Data Breach Procedure 31st May 2024 Download
GDPR Data Protection Policy 31st May 2024 Download
GDPR privacy notice pupils 17th Apr 2024 Download
GDPR subject access requests form 17th Apr 2024 Download
GDPR subject access requests policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
Health and Safety Policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
Master Funding Agreement Catherine Burnside 17th Apr 2024 Download
Medication Policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
Missing Pupils Policy 02nd Apr 2024 Download
Mobile Phone Policy Version 2023c 18th Apr 2024 Download
Online safety policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
PE and Sport Premium 25th Jun 2024 Download
Physical Intervention Policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
PPG statement 17th Apr 2024 Download
Residential CCTV 17th Apr 2024 Download
Risk Assessment Policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
RSE Policy Version 2023 17th Apr 2024 Download
Safeguarding Overarching Statement Nov23 17th Apr 2024 Download
Scheme of Delegation Catherine Burnside 17th Apr 2024 Download
SEN Information report 08th May 2024 Download
SEN Information report leaflet 08th May 2024 Download
Sept 23 CCTV 17th Apr 2024 Download
Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy 24th Apr 2024 Download
Uniform Policy 17th Apr 2024 Download
Whistleblowing Policy 24th Apr 2024 Download